Abdul Moiz Khan

Abdul Moiz Khan

Abdul Moiz Khan

Research Fellow
LL.B (University of London)

Moiz is working as an Associate at Jurist Panel. He takes interest in civil matters ranging from consumer protection to social security cases, commercial an agreement including financial contracts vital to a corporate’s on-going business needs and investments, trademark contestations as well as great interest in constitutional matters. He has previously interned at CLM and SRLaw and learned legal drafting at an early stage of his education during these internship experiences. Moiz is a LL.B graduate from the University of London. During his degree, he opted for subjects like International Protection of Human Rights and Public International Law because of his keen interest in human rights issues and the impact of international law on nation-states. With a vast knowledge on international law related issues and an experience of detailed research and debate in this rather unattended field of law, lawyers and students of international law like Moiz are a reassurance that the young crop of modern day lawyers are progressive enough to approach legal practice with a broad perspective which also caters to the increasing role of international law in the governance of relationships of nation-states.

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